Wanting children to live a healthy life while improving the peace of mind of parents?

ziaino® contributes to your business by creating safe and comfortable spaces.

Providing childcare for sick children so that parents and staff can feel secure

We adopted ziaino® in the elderly care facility that we operate because it excels at inhibiting pollutant and deodourisation. We installed two units for sick children so that the staff can take care and nurse them with peace of mind.
Kids terrace at seiju

Case study

Sanrizuka Daiichi Nursery

Gruppo Fujitou Children's Center

Matsuoka Nursery

Kids terrace at seiju

Oimoto Kindergarten

Mitsubishi Nursery School

Yamamoto Children’s Center

Asaichi Center Nursery


How does ziaino® purify air?

Inhibits airborne bacteria and viruses in school

[Test institution] Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science [Testing method] Measuring changes in the number of airborne bacteria in a 11.6m² test space [Test subject]Airborne bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) [Test result]99% inhibition confirmed after 20 minutes [Report No.] Kitaseihatsu2016_0436


Inhibits adhered bacteria and viruses

[Test institution] Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science [Testing method]Measuring changes in the number of adhered bacteria in 11.6m² [Test subject]Adhered bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) [Test result] 99% inhibition confirmed after 3 hours [Report No.] Kitaseihatsu2016_0365



Quickly deodorises drifting odours in order to create a comfortable environment in office

[Test institution] Environmental Control Center Co.,Ltd. [Testing method] Verification by the Odour Intensity Calculation Method [Test subject] Airborne mixed odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced to 1.5 after about 120 minutes in a 9.7m² test space [Report No.] H07019001DA



How it works ?


Intakes dirty air from the sides

Inhibits pollutant and deodourises the dirty air with an anti-bactericidal filter permeated with Aqua ziaino®.​

Clean air released with vaporized Aqua ziaino®


Statements and claims are made in reference to specific researches and studies.
Due diligence by readers is advised. Panasonic excludes any liability thereof. 



Contact us for more information in ziaino®